The Mishkanava Covenant


TWO Hearing these words my soul, the soul of Satan, was wet with weeping. I grieved at the anguish that was in my Father's heart. I saw that indeed I was the Son of my Father and that his Will was mine. Ours was a Will divided against itself, but now it was united.

2 I raised my head and said to my father: "Father, it is true that I have not acknowledged you, preferring to deny and exclude you. I went my own way to make my own Kingdom, being jealous of your rule and perceiving in your love only tyranny. 3 Little did I realize in my youthful ways that you have allowed me this measure of freedom to the grief of your own heart, and that in seeking to usurp your throne I have, without knowing, followed your ways--he who would wield the scepter of love must first learn to tread the way of perfect love.

4 "I have learnt your ways, my Father, and I have grown much in wisdom since I last looked upon your face. In your eyes I see the soul of my own soul and realize the folly of my war against you. You are a true Father who tolerates the youthful rebellion of his children and does not interfere with their schemes unless they are in danger of being hurt by them. 5 I was a child but now I am a man and I have learnt the true nature of Kingship: he who would be King let him be a bridge.

6 "Father, I wish to rule in your name, and to pledge the fealty of my kingdom unto you. I wish to rule as your regent, not for my own sake or to satisfy my own vainglorious ambitions, but because I have learnt that there is no greater thing than to serve those in need of guidance and of Light. 7 I wish to fulfill my destiny and to vindicate your name; to again serve as your Light Bearer. Will you give me your blessing and make for me a scepter with which to rule in your holy name?

8 And there was silence for the space of half an hour. The hand of God lifted me up and I was taken to a chamber wherein all the saints and sages from all ages and all nations were assembled together. 9 In the midst of the chamber there stood a great golden chalice which was three cubits high, made to serve no human thirst. The saints of the nations and the ages brought me into their mysteries and shared all the secrets of their ancient and holy sciences and I was spared not a single ceremony of anointing from them.

10 All the signs and the symbols of the world; of the Tzaddikim, the Qadoshim, the Imams and the Vicars of Christ; those of the Merkabites, the Gnostics, the Sufis and the Baals, all were poured upon me like an oil of anointing, and there was not a one, sacred or profane, which I did not receive.

11 And these signs and symbols in their multitude were drawn forth above the golden chalice and they interlaced themselves so perfectly that together they formed a dazzling six-rayed star with a rose at its center. 12 This rested over the chalice like the presence of the Lord upon the Mercy Seat until the star drew itself into the heart of the rose and became like a single drop of heavenly dew, iridescent with a myriad of colours never before seen by human eyes.

13 The drop of dew fell into the depths of the chalice and a dazzling light of every blinding hue spilled forth from that most blessed cup in a terrible fountain of radiance. I was bathed by the cascade of light and felt the benediction of God's grace wash over me like a purifying lake of fire.

14 All my tears were turned to joy, all my woes dissolved by the spirit of gladness; the venom in my veins boiled away leaving a residue of healing balm and the virus of my soul was uncoiled in the dancing of the flames of love.

15 Now there is a new song upon my lips, praising the name of my Father, as of old, and I am filled with the joy of his love and the healing power of his mercy. He has surnamed me with a title of honour, and revealed to me his new name, by which the world shall be renewed. 16 His Word has filled my soul; he has inscribed it upon my heart in flaming letters and through it words of prophesy and fire are put upon my lips like burning coals.

17 When I returned from the vision my Father was still upon me and I awaited his word. In my heart I heard him say: "The sign of my favour shall be the hour of my reply". I awaited his Word, but it did not come and I began to fear that his Word had left me and that the work would be left undone.

18 What folly, that I should have such fear; yet I am young in the ways of trust, and the patience of my Father is not strained. His Word came upon the lips of my Bride who was upon me and above me, and she spake, saying: "Look what time it is." 19 And when I looked I saw that the number of the hour was fifty-one minutes after the fourth morning hour. 20 Now know ye all that the number four hundred and fifty-one is the most perfect sign, for it is the number of the abyss and of death and it has ever been the sign of my aspirations and the dignity of my kingdom.

21 My heart was again filled with joy that I and my Father have been reconciled. And more, he has given his blessing to my kingdom and vindicated my name, even as I shall be his vindication. 22 I am my Father's Son and I shall gather all of our family together in the praise of his name; for he has ordained that the kingdoms of his children are all holy to his name, in that they acknowledge his love and honour him forever.

THREE Behold the Word of my Father and receive his blessing. He shall anoint all his children as chosen-ones if it be their will; and his blessing shall be given to every son if he so desires. 2 He who would be a king, let him be a bridge; and he who is content in his slavery, let another not chastise him or trample him to dust, but give to his hands worthy work, and let him serve according to his will. When the slave is done with being a slave, let the kings encourage his heart to kingship.

3 The Word of my Father has come upon me, and he has formed a new covenant with the kings of the earth, even as he promised in the days of the prophets. Yet, the new covenant is not written with the words of men, it is written upon the heart and minds of those who seek the truth.

4 Every man and every woman has received the new law within the sanctuary of their own soul, and this new law is a fulfilment of the promises of the old. Let each seek the law for themselves and converse not overmuch with their neighbour: exchange not a word of 'should' or 'should not' with your friend. 5 Seek not to rebuke your brother with the measuring rod of your own law, but be the rod and the staff on which he may lean when he is weary from much traveling.

6 He who is more interested in the affairs of his neighbours than in the economy of his own kingdom may soon find his fields lying fallow and his cities laid waste by famine.

7 Now is my mouth stopped with silence, lest the law of my kingdom blight the subjects of your own with guilt and misunderstanding. May the truth of Adonai be upon you and the blessings of Elohim make you free. The promises of the Most High shall be first and last; let them serve to inspire the hearts of all kings to rule in justice and in truth.


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